Hi There..My name is Zoola Derby, i'm 32 years old.
As we know, Asbestos is a substance very dangerous. But lack of awareness by the public of the wearer due to the resulting negative impact was not immediately looked.Thousands of people have died from Australia related disease asbestos, most at risk were exposed to asbestos while working in mining industry, manufacturing, and construction.
Since then, other countries beside Australia have issued the regulation that prohibit the use of asbestos in a property building. But up til now, we can still find asbestos, especially in rural areas. Even though asbestos wouldn't be found in new buildings but they're still left in old ones. Asbestos debris will go airborne when the contaminated building is demolished or renovated. This situation can be dangerous. Why ? because if inhaled asbestos dust will soon be entered into the lungs.
What are the diseases caused by asbestos?
To find out more information about the disease of asbestos and about asbestos other,you can must read this blog because I will write information about asbestos accurately, and the tips are useful to you. So you are still using asbestos, can understand how dangerous asbestos for our lives.
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